What to Expect

Words can’t describe what our events are like. The sounds, the smells, the friendship, and the exciting atmosphere, you have to experience it for yourself to truly understand it what it’s like.

For now, here’s a short video to see what you’ve been missing.

Put any preconceived notions you have away. We enjoy playing poker, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a good time even if poker isn’t your thing. We’ll have live music, good food, raffles, and fun people. Come as you are and join in!

Tourney Details

The doors open at 5:30 PM. If you want to play, stop by the registration table to get checked in.

  • Cards hit the table at 6:30 PM sharp. Don’t be late!
  • Buy-backs and re-buys are available for the first few hours.
  • Your winnings are donated to charity.
Learn How to Play Poker

Food and Drinks

Fabulous food and refreshments will be provided free of charge!

  • Tasty food from JJ’s Red Hots 
  • Sausages: Andouille and Rice Meatballs with Sauce Piquant, Char Grilled Polish Sausage
  • Hot Dogs: JJ’s ‘No. 1’s’, Char-Heels, Chili Cheese Coneys, all beef/turkey/veggie dogs, Chips
  • Non-Alcoholic drinks available for purchase

Our Sponsors

We’re here because of your support. Thank you.

It’s easy to forget who makes these events possible. It’s only through the support and donations of our generous sponsors that we continue to thrive and help so many friends and family members affected by cancer.

Take a moment to browse our sponsors’ websites and consider supporting the people that support us.

Who You’re Helping

The event’s proceeds help the following charities.

The Go Jen Go Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing critical financial assistance to local individuals and families in the Greater Charlotte, NC area who are battling breast cancer. We provide aid during all phases of the cancer journey including diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

The mission of the Paula Takacs Foundation for Sarcoma Research is to raise funds for local research, and amplify awareness, accelerating the fight to eradicate sarcoma cancers. Through these endeavors, we open both local and global pathways for the development of new sarcoma treatments and increase the speed of accurate diagnoses.

Learn More